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5 Dermatologist Recommended Skin Therapies for Reducing Wrinkles

Dealing with wrinkles is a natural part of getting older, but that doesn’t mean you have to let them take over. If you’re looking for dermatologist-recommended skin therapies to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, here are a few to consider.


Chemical Peels

Chemical peels, though television and other media may portray them poorly, are a safe and effective treatment that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. During this procedure, your dermatologist will apply a chemical solution to your skin to remove the topmost layers. The skin that grows back after your chemical peel is smoother and firmer, which will help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. While chemical peels are an effective wrinkle treatment, do note that it may take several treatments to see the desired results.


If you’re struggling with deep frown lines or looking to reduce eye wrinkles, Botox may be an appropriate treatment for you. When injected, Botox can keep the small muscles in your face from contracting. As a result, your skin will appear smoother. It’s important to note that aftercare plays a big role in your results with Botox. Make sure you follow your dermatologist’s instructions carefully so you can see the desired wrinkle reduction results. In addition, Botox is not permanent. If you decide to go with this treatment, make sure you’re prepared to invest in injections every few months or so.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, like Botox, come in the form of injections and need to be administered once every few months or so. Fillers have become a popular method of wrinkle reduction in recent years. As we age, our skin loses its fullness, which is exactly what fillers address. Dermal fillers can help restore that youthful, full-faced look in the face, lips, and even the hands. If you’re not afraid of injections, wrinkle reduction treatments like Botox and dermal fillers can be excellent options. They last a fairly long time, provide excellent results, and are growing in popularity.

Retinoid Creams

Topical retinoid creams are another great option for treating wrinkles. While you can purchase over-the-counter creams with retinol in them, it’s typically best to get a prescription or at least a recommendation from your dermatologist. While retinoids are effective, they can irritate your skin if you’re not careful. It’s always best to ask your dermatologist before trying any over-the-counter wrinkle treatment. With their medical knowledge and familiarity with your skin, they’ll be able to provide better insight into how certain wrinkle treatments might affect you.


Microdermabrasion is a treatment in which a tool is used to slough off the topmost layer of skin cells from the fact. It is one of the gentler wrinkle treatment options out there, but it can feel a little bit uncomfortable. It may feel like a very fine sandpaper is being rubbed on your skin. One of the perks of this treatment is that it doesn’t have any kind of recovery period. It’s recommended that you invest in multiple procedures to maintain results, but even so, this is one of the most affordable wrinkle treatments out there.

The goal of any cosmetic dermatology service is to help you achieve the skin results you desire. If you’re looking for wrinkle treatment options and you have questions, don’t hesitate to make an appointment to talk with someone on our staff at North Pacific Dermatology today.

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